Saturday, July 28, 2007

Genesis 6, verses 2 & 4

This subject (aliens & Fallen Angels) is so big & there is so much to read, at times I just don't know where to start with everyone, but I guess the best place to start is at the beginning. And that is what Genesis means: "the beginning". Henry Morris, the famed creation scientist & bible scholar stated in his introduction to the book of Genesis in his "Defenders Study Bible" that :

"In a very real sense, the Book of Genesis is the most important book in the world, for it is the foundation upon which all the other 65 books of God's written word have been based. ...the New Testament contains at least 200 direct quotations or clear allusions to events described in Genesis--more than from any other book in the Old Testament.

Another creation writer, John C. Whitcomb Jr. in his book "The World that Perished" page 96 said:

With few exceptions, (Philippians, Thessalonians, II Timothy, Titus, Philemon, & II & III John) all New Testament books refer to Genesis 1-11. Also, every chapter of Genesis 1-11 is referred to somewhere in the New Testament. Furthermore, every New Testament writer refers to Genesis 1-11. And finally, the Lord Jesus Christ referred to each of the first seven chapters of Genesis"

That is a lot of "referring"! So you can see how important Genesis is. I love it, & have read it, oh I don't know how many times. Over a hundred for sure.

Much of the controversy centers around the verses in Genesis 6: 1-4. I want to give you a footnote from the "Companion Bible" by Dr. E.W. Bullinger. I'll let you do a google search to find out who he was. Although I will put a little about it from one of his web sites.

The Companion Bible (KJV) is the absolute BEST Study Bible that I know of. Each Book of the Bible is introduced, outlined and it's structure is shown. Every page of the text has a parallel column jammed packed with explanatory notes. Many of the Old Testament notes are based upon Ginzberg's Massorah (small writings in the margins of the Hebrew texts). E. W. Bullinger, the Editor of The Companion Bible, was the only Christian Ginzberg allowed to help him with his collection of the Masoretic Notes or even to see them. This is the ONLY place I know where an English reader has access to this extremely enlightening material. The New Testament marginal notes are a great help to any Bible student, as well! Not to mention the virtual treasure trove of Bible knowledge available in the 198 appendices in the back of the book.

Now for the footnote on Genesis 6 from the Companion Bible. I know it is a little long, & I promise I won't give you loooooong blogs to read as I know most of you don't have the time, but when you are building a case, well, there usually is a lot to read.

23. "THE SONS OF GOD" IN GEN. 6:2, 4.
It is only by the Divine specific act of creation that any created being can be called "a son of God". For that which is "born of the flesh is flesh". God is spirit, and that which is "born of the Spirit is spirit" (John 3:6). Hence Adam is called a "son of God" in Luke 3:38. Those "in Christ" having "the new nature" which is by the direct creation of God (2Cor. 5:17. Eph. 2:10) can be and are called "sons of God" (John 1:13. Rom. 8:14, 15. 1John 3:1). (*1)

This is why angels are called "sons of God" in every other place where the expression is used in the Old Testament. Job 1:6; 2:1; 38:7. Ps. 29:1; 89:6. Dan. 3:25 (no art.). (*2) We have no authority or right to take the expression in Gen. 6:2, 4 in any other sense. Moreover, in Gen. 6:2 the Sept. renders it "angels". Angels are called "spirits" (Ps. 104:4. Heb. 1:7, 14), for spirits are created by God.

That there was a fall of the angels is certain from Jude 6.

  • The nature of their fall is clearly stated in the same verse. They left their own oiketerion. This word occurs only in 2Cor. 5:2 and Jude 6, where it is used of the spiritual (or resurrection) body.

  • The nature of their sin is stated to be "in like manner" to that of the subsequent sins of Sodom and Gomorrha, Jude 7.

  • The time of their fall is given as having taken place "in the days of Noah" (1Pet. 3:20. 2Pet. 2:7), though there may have been a prior fall which caused the end of "the world that then was" (Gen. 1:1, 2. 2Pet. 3:6).

  • For this sin they are "reserved unto judgment", 2Pet. 2:4, and are "in prison", 1Pet. 3:19.

  • Their progeny, called Nephilim (translated "giants"), were monsters of iniquity; and, being superhuman in size and character, had to be destroyed (see Ap. 25). This was the one and only object of the Flood.

  • Only Noah and his family had preserved their pedigree pure from Adam (Gen. 6:9, see note). All the rest had become "corrupt" (shachath) destroyed [as Adamites]. the only remedy was to destroy it (de facto), as it had become destroyed (de jure). (It is the same word in v. 17 as in vv. 11, 12.) See further under Ap. 25 on the Nephilim.

This irruption of fallen angels was Satan's first attempt to prevent the coming of the Seed of the woman foretold in gen. 3:15. If this could be accomplished, God's Word would have failed, and his own doom would be averted.

As soon as it was made known that the Seed of the woman was to come through ABRAHAM, there must have been another irruption, as recorded in Gen. 6:4, "and also after that" (i.e. after the days of Noah, more than 500 years after the first irruption). The aim of the enemy was to occupy Canaan in advance of Abraham, and so to contest its occupation by his seed. For, when Abraham entered Canaan, we read (Gen. 12:6) "the Canaanite was then (i.e. already) in the land."

In the same chapter (Gen. 12:10-20) we see Satan's next attempt to interfere with Abraham's seed, and frustrate the purpose of God that it should be in "Isaac". This attempt was repeated in 20:1-18.

This great conflict may be seen throughout the Bible, and it forms a great and important subject of Biblical study. In each case the human instrument had his own personal interest to serve, while Satan had his own great object in view. Hence God had, in each case, to interfere and avert the evil and the danger, of which his servants and people were wholly ignorant. The following assaults of the great Enemy stand out prominently :--

  • The destruction of the chosen family by famine, Gen. 50:20.

  • The destruction of the male line in Israel, Ex. 1:10, 15, &c. Cp. Ex. 2:5. Heb. 11:23.

  • The destruction of the whole nation in Pharaoh's pursuit, Ex. 14.

  • After David's line was singled out (2Sam. 7), that was the next selected for assault. Satan's first assault was in the union of Jehoram and Athaliah by Jehoshaphat, notwithstanding 2Chron. 17:1. Jehoram killed off all his brothers (2Chron. 21:4).

  • The Arabians slew all his children, except Ahaziah (2Chron. 21:17; 22:1).

  • When Ahaziah died, Athaliah killed "all the seed royal" (2Chron. 22:10). the babe Joash alone was rescued; and, for six years, the faithfulness of Jehovah's word was at stake (2Chron. 23:3).

  • Hezekiah was childless, when a double assault was made by the King of Assyria and the King of Terrors (Isa. 36:1; 38:1). God's faithfulness was appealed to and relied on (Ps. 136).

  • In Captivity, Haman was used to attempt the destruction of the whole nation (Est. 3:6, 12, 13. Cp. 6:1).

  • Joseph's fear was worked on (Matt. 1:18-20). Notwithstanding the fact that he was "a just man", and kept the Law, he did not wish to have Mary stoned to death (Deut. 24:1); hence Joseph determined to divorce her. But God intervened : "Fear not".

  • Herod sought the young Child's life (Matt. 2).

  • At the Temptation, "Cast Thyself down" was Satan's temptation.

  • At Nazareth, again (Luke 4), there was another attempt to cast Him down and destroy Him.

  • The two storms on the Lake were other attempts.

  • At length the cross was reached, and the sepulcher closed; the watch set; and the stone sealed. But "God raised Him from the dead." And now, like another Joash, He is seated and expecting (Heb. 10:12, 13), hidden in the house of God on high; and the members of "the one body" are hidden there "in Him" (Col. 3:1-3), like another Jehoshaba; and going forth to witness of His coming, like another Jehoiada (2Chron. 23:3).

The irruption of "the fallen angels" ("sons of God") was the first attempt; and was directed against the whole human race.
  • When Abraham was called, then he and his seed were attacked.

  • When David was enthroned, then the royal line were attacked.

  • And when "the Seed of the woman" Himself came, then the storm burst upon Him.

(*1) The word "offspring" in Acts 17:28 is quite different. It is genos, which means merely kin or kind, our genus as being originated by God.

(*2) In Hos. 1:10, it is not beni-ha-Elohim, as here, but beni-el-chai.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

We've been in Canada for a week

Hello everyone,

Sorry I haven't written lately, but we were in Canada for a week visiting Josh & Melinda. For those who don't know, Josh is my son from my first marriage. Melinda is 4 months pregnant too. They have a nice farm up north in Ontario.

We weren't able to get online so hence, my lack of writing. Canada is a nice place to visit. One of the things I didn't like about it was the mosquitoes. They were like a plague. At night they come out by the thousands. We went to the river to go swimming one day, & the horse flies ate us up. But one of the nice things about it is it only last for about 2 months.

Josh & Mel are super into health food & they have all the books from the Kent Hovind web site, plus all the DVD's. If you've never been to Kent Hovinds web site, I'd highly recommend his site. It is He gave me some of his books that I didn't have.

Another interesting thing that happened to us, & it just shows you how the Lord works in mysterious ways, is that we ran into some folks we hadn't seen in about 9 years. I'm sure some of you guys remember Solomon & Gem. Well, Sandy & Mel were out in North Bay at the Wal-Mart, & they ran into those guys there making balloons for the kids. Who would have thought they would be there. They live near Toronto. Needless-to-say, we had a nice visit with them & had some closure over some issues that had happened before. If everyone could say a prayer for Gem as she has one of her vocal chords that is paralyzed ,which makes it hard for her to talk.

I loved all the animals on the farm. I'd say Josh has about 30 to 40 rabbits which run all over the place, 40 turkeys, 20 or so chickens, which is where he gets all of his organic eggs. He has 5 goats. One is only about 4 months old, real cute & friendly, loves to get petted, but, alas, he is on death row. The same goes for the 2 pigs. But only the female pig is on death row. After she has a litter, she goes under the knife. But that is the way it goes on a farm. He also has 2 big horses, Belgians, & one pony. The male horse has a problem with one of his hoofs, & if it doesn't heal soon, he might have to go to the glue factory. The female horse is named Sandy. What a cute name. Oops, I better watch it. Oh yes, let's not forget the 2 cats. I believe that is all.

Anyway, I need to get back in the swing of things here. I just got a couple more books on the subject of Aliens. I won't leave you hanging, I promise. Next post I will fill you in on some more info. Maybe I will just give you the web site, & let you all read it for yourselves, then you can ask me any questions you might have.

That's it for now. Until tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Well, where do we start?

OK, I hope you've enjoyed this blog so far. Now, let's get started into the meat of the subject. Basically, it involves the subject of fallen angels & their making love to the daughters of men & bringing forth strange offspring & the modern day theory of "Aliens". If you've read anything about the new age movement (which is anything but new) they are always talking about the fact that "our space brothers are coming to save us & teach us the way". What I am saying, (& I can give you tons of web sites on the subject) is that fallen angels & modern day "aliens" are one & the same.

Let's look at a few key verses in the bible. But before I get into the verses, let me explain something, & I'll give you a portion of a web site to explain it.

(I shall remain for the most part within the confines of the 1611 English version of the King James Bible, and Strong's Greek and Hebrew concordance, even though I don't subscribe to the "King James Only" club. I know, that ALL the translations that we have are rooted back to the SAME sources. The difference between our modern day versions of the bible is in the choice of adjectives used in the description of words from the original languages (Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, chaldean), and outright blatant "liberties" taken by the translators. The reality is, ALL of our versions have translating errors that have distorted CORRECT biblical interpretations of many areas of scripture. One of the reasons for this is due to linguistic barriers (our English language is considerably smaller than the Greek and Hebrew, with limited word definition in comparison). This has caused a great deal of confusion in specific areas of interpretation. The King James isn't really any better than the other versions (there's some 6000 ADDED words, plus numerous translating errors and interpretation liberties taken), but it does NOT step on the DEITY of Jesus Christ like most other translations. The fact of the matter is, man HAS had his grubby mitts on the Word of God, but God designed the Word in such a way, that the original meanings can NOT be tampered with by man, no matter how hard he tries. The Lord has done this with the "etymology" (the science of words and their origins) of his written Word. It is ONLY from the etymology, that 21st century man can ever know for sure what God really has said and thereby meant. Etymology is failsafe in this regard. Man for all intensive purposes, has translated and interpreted God's word according to HIS perspective and contextualization for 2000 years. The original "oracles" of God (Hebrew prophets and scribes), managed to keep Gods word "pure" etymologically in translation up to the time of Christ, enabling us today to have a pure "source" (Old Testament). Etymology is the "foundation" of all other areas of theology (eschatology, hermeneutics, etc.). The same principle applies to the New Testament. It was written in a form of Greek called "koine", which is pure etymologically. The emphasis of this dissertation will be in the area of the bible interpretation, as it is THE authority of ALL TRUTH as far as I'm concerned. Therefore, the answers to ALL things can be found in its pages. I will refer to sources outside the canon of scripture, when it is deemed imperative to subject illumination, without disturbing biblical integrity.)

Now back to the verses:
Gen 6:1 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,
Gen 6:2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
Gen 6:3 And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be a hundred and twenty years.
Gen 6:4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bore children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

Mat 24:37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
Mat 24:38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark,
Mat 24:39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

2Pe 2:4 For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment;
2Pe 2:5 And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly;
2Pe 2:6 And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an example unto those that after should live ungodly;

Jud 1:6 And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.

I guess this is enough to wet your whistle & get us started. This is just the beginning. Give this some serious thought.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Other World Is Real

Hello again from cool Michigan, cool, as in "nice weather"! Well, here we go again, I'm going to tell you another experience I had. This happened on a farm we once lived on in Virginia. For any of my readers who don't know, I joined a group called the "Children of God" in August of 1971, & this incident happened in March or April of 1972. I was 17 at the time.

We lived in this huge farm house outside a small town called Callaway, Va., which is near Roanoke, Va. There must have been 30 or 40 of us living together in this house. All the boys slept in "the boys room", & I think there had to be at least 15 of us in that room. I was one of the guys in charge of the other boys. Don't ask me how that happened, it just did. Anyway, every night we had "guards" posted at the window, & of course the best window was in the boys room. It gave a good view of the driveway, so if anyone was coming we could see them. Before we went to bed, I went to the guard on duty & prayed with him, telling him to be vigilant & watchful & above all things, "DON'T FALL ASLEEP"! We had the Bible tapes from Alexander Scorby to listen too, so that helped keep you awake along with plenty of coffee & donuts.

I went to bed & fell asleep right away. Then I started having a nightmare. I was dreaming someone or something was choking me. Now this is the strange part. At this point I don't know if I was dreaming or if it was really happening literally. I could literally feel a weight on my chest as if someone was really there & I could feel these hands around my neck. I was scared & started praying & rebuking whatever this was in Jesus' name. It was like I was "FROZEN" & couldn't move. I could barely get the words "I rebuke you in Jesus name" out of my mouth. I think I could only say "JESUS HELP ME". It was like I was only mumbleing the words. After saying this, it stopped & I woke up. But I think I was already awake. I thought "Wow, that was strange". Another "out-of-the-ordinary" had just happened to me again. Or another spiritual experience happened. This was before I saw the UFO in the previous post. Sorry, guess I should have written this one first.

I got out of bed & went to the guard to get him to pray for me, & guess what I found? He was sound asleep! I was mad! I woke him up & rebuked him & told him he had just let the Devil in the house, & the Devil had almost choked me to death. Now that I'm older & hopefully a little wiser, I realized that it wasn't the Devil who was choking me, but one of his lesser demons. I think the Devil has more important things to do. There are plenty of demons though to go around & bother people that the Devil himself doesn't have to do it. But I'm convinced it was a demon. All we have to do now is to define what constitutes a "Demon". Jesus had plenty of encounters with them. But we will get into that later. I think it is important to tell these things that I have gone through to show you that these things are real, & I am by no means the only one that something like this has happened too. The thing that amazed me about the whole thing is that I could actually feel a weight on my chest & something around my throat choking me, & most importantly the sensation of being "FROZEN" & unable to move. You will see why this is important later on.

I'm trying to think if I've had any other strange things happen to me. Because next I want to start telling you why I think these things happened to me.

Ok, enjoy yourself today & have a great day.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Beautiful & Cool Michigan

I need to take the time & write something for you all to read. We all hate it when people start to blog, then they just fizzle out. I have tons to write about, but I also have business to do.

In case you didn't know it, we are in Michigan right now, having gone to Chicago to do the health fair. Since we were up in this area we decided to head over to Michigan and do a few shows there, since the weather was better there than in Texas. Yesterday, it was maybe 75 degrees for a high, sunshine and no humidity. This is just lovely weather here. I love it. We are near Port Huron, which is right on the Canadian border, about 100 miles northeast of Detroit. We'd like to go to northern Michigan where the weather is even better for this time of year. We're just kinda taking it easy right now. We need a break. It seems we are always working, either doing shows or doing some kind of business, and never taking the time off just to enjoy life.

Anyway, I do promise my next post I'll tell you a couple more stories of the things that have happened to me in my life, then we will explore the possibilities of Aliens coming here on earth. Who are they, really? I know some of you know where I'll be going with this, but just listen with an open mind. I'm not asking you to believe everything I say,(except for the things that I have personally experienced, those things really happened.) Just read it for yourself. By that I mean, I will refer you to some web sites where you can read a lot of this for yourself, then make up your own minds.

OK, until next time, take care.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

I saw a UFO

As the title suggest, I saw a UFO once. Let me relate the story. This happened in I think late 1972 or early 1973. Me & three other guys where driving to Atlanta, Ga. I was 17 or 18 at the time. We had just left a farm in Northern Ga. where we were living. It was around 2am in the morning as I recall, & I was talking with the driver, as I didn't have a license to drive yet. I said, "Wouldn't it be neat if we could see a UFO?" It was a clear moonless night, & I think we were on I-20 or I-85, and there were tons of stars in the night sky. I was looking up at the stars when all of a sudden two stars began to move and they came together & joined each other. They formed one new star! Then all of a sudden it began to descend and head straight for us. We could see it off in the distance and it had a blue or purple-ish glow to it. We were all staring at it. We pulled off the interstate into a gas station where there already were other people there watching it. So I knew I wasn't hallucinating. We stopped and got out of the car and watched it too. There was total silence, it made no sound. It wasn't an airplane, helicoptor, swamp gas, or any other crazy thing. We watched it for 5 minutes or so, when all of a sudden it shot up into the sky and disappeared in the distance. I was amazed!! Wow! Had this really happened. All I know is I saw it, and so did the rest of the people there that night. It would be one thing if I was alone, you could say I was lying and making it up, but there were lots of other people who saw it too. Were we all hallucinating? I don't think so.

Now you might ask me, "Well, what was it? We know it was a UFO, but what do you think it really was?" Was it a real physical thing, or perhaps had it come from another dimension? I'm convinced it was a "Watcher", a classification of angels, whether a good or bad one, I don't know.

Now the question is, who else has seen one? If you have, let's hear your story.

Ok, all of these stories I'm sharing are going to tie in to what I'll be posting here later. So stay tuned for the next installment.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

A childhood event that really scared me.

I don't have anything else to do, so why not post something. I'm going to relate a story, I won't exaggerate, or put more into it than what really happened. But I think this story has merit in what I'm studying now.

When I was 7 or 8, maybe a year older or younger, I don't remember; but it was when I was in grade school. That is grades 1-6. We were living in Houston, near the Hobby airport because my dad was an airplane mechanic. Me & my younger brother shared a bedroom together, in which we had a set of bunk beds that we slept on. Since I was the older one, I slept on the top bunk. One night, on the way to bed, I had what I will call a "spiritual experience". Or let's put it this way, something happened out of the ordinary. Just to make it clear to everyone, I was wide awake & hadn't gone to sleep. Plus the light was on in the room. I had been in bed for maybe 5 minutes. I hadn't shut my eyes nor gone to sleep. As I was laying there I felt the bed moving, like my little brother was coming up on my bed. When I looked down, I saw this little man climbing up onto my bed, whom I think was only one or two feet tall, with long red hair & beard. He was dressed with a suit that made him look like a leprechaun, or like Rumple Stiltskin. You know, the fairy tale dude. I immediately started screaming & kicking at him. My mom & the rest of the family came running into the bedroom to see what had happened. My little brother came running in too. I told them what happened & I got punished for lying. But I saw what I saw just as plane as day. As clear as I can see any of you, I saw this little guy.

I've since found out after reading some different web sites, that I'm not the only person who has seen little people like this. When I started to scream he just went away. I never saw him again. But it sure scared the daylights out of me. I didn't know what to think, or what it was, or why it happened. I just know it happened. That was the only experience I recall of something happening to me out of the ordinary.

If you've ever watched the TV show "Stargate SG1", or seen the movie, they travel from place to place via a Stargate, which is a big ring, that when locked with certain key locations, will take them to another planet or star system in a matter of a few seconds. But, WHAT IF, instead of traveling only here in our physical dimension, you had a device that was an inter-dimensional stargate. In other words, a device to take you from one dimension to another.

I believe this little man that came up on my bed came from another dimension. Now before you label me a nut case, I'll find you some interesting web sites you can read for yourselfs. Or better yet, has a thing like this happened to any of you??? If it has, I'd like to hear about it. Now I'm sure I'm going to get a lot of jokesters here, but let's try and keep this somewhat serious, shall we.

That's enough for now. Until next time, keep those inter-dimensional doorways shut.
Hello Everyone,

I'M BACK!! It's me, the same character from the famous blog "Driving me crazy on 18 wheels".
Since I don't have 18 wheels anymore, just 10 (our pick-up truck & trailer), I thought I'd change subjects & tell about our Family & it's adventures, plus get you thinking about "ALIENS"! I will be throwing things out for you, my dear readers, to explore on your own, at your own pace. It will be exciting, & definately thought provoking.

Just to let you know right here at the start, I'm not saying that I agree with everything I'm going to show you about ET's, I just read the articles, then make my own conclusions based on the availible evidence. It all sounds very possible to me.

I'm not sure how I'll start this blog, as it will be a work in progress. Perhaps I'll start with some stories from my childhood. Then some amazing things I saw as a teenager, up till this present time.

About 2 years ago I didn't know too much about this subject I'll be discussing, but I had someone show me these things, & they sure made sense to me.

I do enjoy blogs & love to read them. I'll try & fill this one with pictures, stories, & a lot of far out stuff. Enjoy your time here, & come back often to post your response.

Sorry for no title, it just won't type it.