Thursday, June 19, 2008

Our Trip to Chicago

We were happy to get out of Texas, because as you can see, most Texans are of very large stature. Well, this one got immortalized in stone. It's Sam Houston, with the city of Houston, Texas being named after him.We were able to get this photo of the Ark-Tex flying saucer as it was landing. Oh, you say it's really a water tower that is on the border of the Arkansas & Texas line? What? Don't you have any imagination.Here is the sign that shows we did make it into the nature state of Arkansas.Now the craziest thing happened when we got into Arkansas. Some how we must of made this guy in the plane mad, because he started to chase us. But I got my co-pilot to get on her computer---
and.....Voillaaa......we shot him right out of the sky!!!It even blocked out the sun. Oh well, I'm just happy I had that new ray gun installed on the truck before I left Texas.
Then as you can see, we made it safely into Missouri. We journeyed on to the Land of Lincoln, which is the state of Illinois.

But that will have to wait till the next post & more pictures.

Disclaimer: No crop dusting plane was shot down while we were driving through Arkansas, where they burn off their rice fields each year. Just thought you'd like to know.


Anonymous said... the pictures!

Mercy Langille said...

Ha. Lot's of imagination. I thought at your age those kinds of games were over. Sounds like you had a great time.